Dear Chaz,
I agree, the ORMUS/ORME concentrates are probably quite different from the products of traditional alchemy. I suspect that they are much cleaner.
The history of alchemy goes back about 4000 years. In this life span, most alchemists made their own tools and chemicals. For example, the original alchemical alembics were made of pottery which was generally made from local clays. Alchemical chemicals were generally made from on site materials. This suggests that much of the work of alchemy consisted of purification and concentration of the chemicals that were involved.
Here is a list of some of the chemicals that were used in historic alchemy:
sulfur (sulphur)
ammonium chloride
sulfuric acid (sulphuric acid)
hydrochloric acid
nitric acid
acetic acid
formic acid
citric acid
tartaric acid
aqua regia
blue vitriol
green vitriol
These impure chemicals were used in processes that used alembics made of varied local clays which might partially dissolve in some of the chemicals. No wonder the purification processes took so long.
It is also important to keep in mind that the ORMUS/ORME minerals are known to "hide out" in other chemical "boxes". This implies that they may be a significant component of all water, rock and air. In other words, all of the chemicals and tools used in ancient alchemy.
Don Duke, one of David Hudson's chemists, identified significant amounts of ORMUS rhodium and iridium in many plant and animal tissues:
David Hudson claimed that ORMUS is in the air. Several ORMUS researchers have confirmed this:
and here is something I wrote about your air ORMUS experience:
On May 26th 2003 Chaz sent me the following email message:Barry,
Take a look at the attached image. This is the bulb out of the recessed light fixture over the sink where the filtrates get dumped. Does this make sense, that the ORM would go metallic around the incandescent filament? There is no other explanation that I can think of. This stuff won't scrape off the bulb either. It is like it is in the glass.
Go figure, ChazYou can find the image that Chaz got from the light bulb with his scanner at:
When I got to Sedona in visited with Chaz for a couple of days. On July 11th I took another picture of the light bulb. This can be seen at:
See Also[XBOX] Orb of Alchemy - Standard Softcore - INSTANT DELIVERY (10-... | ID 216010217 | PlayerAuctions[Recap] Indie World/Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase August 2024 - Miketendo64I can confirm that the metallic plating is not on the outside of the glass bulb. I was unable to scratch it off with a knife. It also definitely had a gold color as you can see from the images.
On December 5, 2006 I spoke with Jim about trapping ORMEs out of the air. On that same day I reported what he said about the air trap on the ORMUS Scientific Workgroup forum. Here is what I wrote:
Jim also built an air trap and converted the ORMUS he got out of the air into metal. He said the trap ran 23 CFM of air for several hours. The metal from this trap was 76% silver with most of the remainder being copper. He said there was also a trace of gold. He also mentioned that the metal took longer than usual to show up using his conversion methods.
You can read more on this at:
There are also pictures of metal that Dr. John Milewski made from stuff that came out of the air at:
According to David Hudson and others, ORMUS is in all water and air. Salt seems to help it stick around.
In most of Hudson's lectures he says that ORMEs have been measured in many plants and in calf and pig brain tissue. Here is one example of this from his Dallas lecture:
"We took some calves brains and some pigs brains, and we did a destruction of the organic material and a metals analysis and over 5 percent, by dry matter weight, of the calves brains and the pigs brains, were rhodium and iridium in the high-spin state. And nobody in medical research knows that."
If the ORMUS/ORME elements are present in plant and animal tissues this means that they are soluble in ordinary water and that they are relatively abundant in ordinary water.
Hudson also claimed that these substances are relatively abundant in volcanic areas:
"The elements are quite plentiful particularly in volcanic areas or volcanic soil."
He linked their abundance to agricultural productivity:
"when these elements are present you have extremely great agricultural production. And you'll see that over in Hawaii, and places where there is volcanic ash and soil, um, the production is just unbelievably dense. Everything grows lush and so, I know that these elements are critical for there to be proper life. I know these elements must be present."
David Hudson even claimed that these elements are abundant in sea water. In his UFO Congress lecture David Hudson said that "gold out of sea water was the white powder gold". You can listen to this passage at:
David Hudson said that even distilled water contained these substances and that "if you distill water thinking you are getting high purity water, it goes with the water". He added: "There is something else besides H2O in the water."
Here is the entire quote from Hudson's Portland workshop about ORMUS in distilled water:
"This little zero point frequency I showed you between the positron and the electron; if you follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it agrees with the molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water. So there is an affinity for this material and water. That's why it is normally taken in water. When you come to understand that your body is, in fact, mainly water. That, literally, this material when you distill water it distills with the water as the oridide, the iridide, the ruthidide. Just like chlorine. And so if you distill water thinking you are getting high purity water, it goes with the water. And it literally changes the bond angles of the water. That one iridium atom controls 56 waters of hydration around itself. And all the bond angles of all 56 waters are altered when iridium is present. I haven't carefully studied the research work of people working with water but I strongly suspect that their water isn't completely pure and they are finding that the bond angles can be changed. There is something else besides H2O in the water."
It is very clear from David Hudson's statements in his various lectures that he believed that ancient people made a white powder which was substantially the same, in terms of effects and benefits, as his white powder. It is also clear, from Hudson's lectures, that he did not believe the ancients used a high temperature "annealing" process which involved inert gases and pure hydrogen to make their white powders. In order to get his natural source ORMUS material to levitate and exhibit properties of superconductivity he had to separate the individual ORMUS elements and then "anneal" them many times using different heat limits for each element while keeping it in first an argon then a helium atmosphere. These conditions are not likely to occur in the ocean or in the precipitation process.
However, it looks like there are other conditions that bring about the levitation state of the ORMUS elements. Jim's description of "fly ash" sounds identical to Hudson's description of the m-iridium and m-gold levitating away from his hand. Michael Burbury also reported a similar effect with a substance he made by fermenting dew. You can listen to all three reports at:
In many of his lectures, David Hudson claimed that there is "monoatomic gold" in sea water. Here is an example from his first Dallas lecture:
"The Gods came here to Earth. They lived here on the Earth. They came here to mine gold out of the sea waters." Now right there most of you don't know much about chemistry but if it's soluble in sea water and stays in sea water, it's elemental gold. Metallic gold salt in the sea water would precipitate and come out. Okay, so it has to be elemental gold. Okay, as the "oroide", the monoatomic gold. They were not able to get enough gold so they begin to mine it in Africa so they could get more gold.
Don Nance's assays have confirmed that ORMUS is abundant in sea water. You can read more about this at:
Hudson's chemist told me privately that it is very important to have enough sodium chloride (salt) in your process. If you don't have enough salt then the boiling steps will drive the ORMUS off as a gas. The idea is that the salt provides some sort of "shielding" for the "Meissner effect" in the ORMUS. Though Hudson tended to keep this information proprietary he did talk about it peripherally in his lectures. Here is an example from his Dallas lecture:
The neat thing about gold, as compared to the other elements, is that gold can be purified by distillation. At 450 degrees elemental gold will resonance disconnect from itself and will go over as a gas and be re-condensed over here and be caught as white powder again. And so you can purify it, back and forth, by repeated distillation, and get a very high purity substance. It's called the "white dew", the "white condensate", "the white dove" or it's depicted as a white feather in the alchemical texts. Because that's the way it was purified as a volatile material.
Also listen to:
Jim also claimed that salt helped the ORMUS to stay around in the presence of magnetic fields. I confirmed this when I first used the peroxide method to convert gold metal to ORMUS gold. If I did not put salt in the solution I would get a real gold rush from breathing it as I raised the pH to precipitate the white powder. I describe this effect at:
Jim also mentioned the importance of a proper salt level to keep ORMUS around in magnetic fields at:
Here is some more about ORMUS in air and water from something I wrote in March of 2012:
There may be more ORMUS/ORMEs at the bottom of the seas than there is in sea water. This does not make the sea bed ORMEs easier to get. I suspect that, as David Hudson claimed, ORMUS is in all water, even distilled water.
An Australian scientist calculated the theoretical weight of H2O and came up with 7.3 pounds per gallon. But we know that distilled water weighs over 8.3 pounds per gallon. This suggests that there is a pound per gallon of something in water (besides hydrogen and oxygen) that does not show up in conventional spectroscopic assays.
If that pound per gallon is spectroscopically invisible ORMEs, then this would mean that all water contains about 12% ORMUS. I would guess that this is an irreducible/unextractable amount and that it is responsible for the "spooky action at a distance" that is often associated with water in homeopathy and Masaru Emoto's work. I suspect that Jim's experiences with magnetic levitation trap water (in which he found that by exposing the trap water to sulphates and nitrates would increase the weight of the water to as much as twelve pounds per gallon) suggest that there are things we can do to increase the ORME levels in water.
Don Duke, Hudson's chemist, told me privately that it is very important to have enough sodium chloride (salt) in your process. If you don't have enough salt then the boiling steps will drive the ORMUS off as a gas. The idea is that the salt provides some sort of "shielding" for the "Meissner effect" in the ORMUS. Though Hudson tended to keep this information proprietary he did talk about it peripherally in his lectures. Here is an example from his Dallas lecture:
The neat thing about gold, as compared to the other elements, is that gold can be purified by distillation. At 450 degrees elemental gold will resonance disconnect from itself and will go over as a gas and be re-condensed over here and be caught as white powder again. And so you can purify it, back and forth, by repeated distillation, and get a very high purity substance. It's called the "white dew", the "white condensate", "the white dove" or it's depicted as a white feather in the alchemical texts. Because that's the way it was purified as a volatile material.
Also listen to:
Jim also claimed that salt helped the ORMUS to stay around in the presence of magnetic fields. I confirmed this when I first used the peroxide method to convert gold metal to ORMUS gold. If I did not put salt in the solution I would get a real gold rush from breathing it as I raised the pH to precipitate the white powder. I describe this effect at:
Jim also mentioned the importance of a proper salt level to keep ORMUS around in magnetic fields at:
All of this suggests that salt, in sea water, helps to keep the ORMEs in the water and prevents them from dropping out at normal pH.
The use of proper levels of salt may be one thing that David Hudson did not emphasize in his patent. Do a search on the word "salt" in the transcribed Hudson lectures linked at:
and here is an example of the importance of salt from Hudson's patent:
During efforts to effect quantitative analytical separations of transition metals from naturally occurring materials, it was discovered that ORMEs exist naturally and are found in salts with alkali metals and/or alkaline earth metals, all of which are coupled with waters of hydration and normally found with silica and alumina.
At 02:28 PM 12/12/2013, you wrote:
Dear Groups;
In defense of Harold's valiant attempts to differentiate ORMUS/ORME from the products of alchemy, I would like to offer this story as given to me by Chris Tychowski, one of the original people involved with Hudson from Day 1. You may all extrapolate this to your own belief system or not. I posit this since Barry likes to support his belief system with the old DH stories; turnabout is fair play.
I have posted a lot of this story many times previously but don't hit Delete as the ending is new.
Chris (now deceased) was a friend of mine for many years and had taken over my commercial lab building next town over. Chris told me that DH and his father were shown how to extract this mysterious material using high temp KOH/NaOH fusions on this ore at a gold mine they were looking to purchase just off ORME Road in Yavapai County, AZ. In order to separate off the Silica, they were to use Hydrofluoric Acid to yield the purified ORME.
As many of you may know, I use KOH/NaOH fusions to extract the 'white-stuff' I use in a lot of my products. This is a very common practice among metallurgists to get the below nano-scale PGMs into solution.
Chris is the one that first suggested to DH that this material might be the Alchemical Stone of antiquity. He told me that DH immediately went to every library in Metro-Phoenix area and checked out every book on alchemy and never returned them.
Chris knew that I was running the fusions, however, wanted me to run a formula he had gotten from the Vatican Library that he said took 3 years to complete. I just didn't have the time to commit to that project.
Conclusion: Chris did not believe that ORME and the products of alchemy are the same animal at all. He had spent considerable time, expense and travel to research alchemy thoroughly.
I probably have that formula buried in the box of papers I got after Chris died but haven't really looked for it either.
Chaz <>
PS. Chris had taken some of the purified ORME to his friend at Diamler Benz, Germany, got the order for more and then found out when he got back to Phoenix that DH could not produce it more than a couple hundred mg a week and could not fill the order.
With kindest regards,
Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
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"What you think upon grows. Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you magnify in your life. Whether the subject of your thought be good or bad, the law works and the condition grows. Any subject that you keep out of your mind tends to diminish in your life, because what you do not use atrophies. The more you think of grievances, the more such trials you will continue to receive; the more you think of the good fortune you have had, the more good fortune will come to you."
--Emmet Fox from Make Your Life Worthwhile, 1942