-30 more new TMs, unknown how many of these are totally new moves and how many are returning moves as TMs
- Upper Hand and psychic noise are the currently known new TM moves
- 8 new pokemon
- Raging Bolt, Iron Crown, paradox Entei and Terrakion, Terapagos, Dipplin evo, Archaludon, and Dokutaro
- Tera forms, little is currently known about how these will work, but Khu has indicated that regular non legendary pokemon will be getting some kind of special tera forms. This has been hinted with a pic of the raid events, as well as a surfboard emoji when someone asked Khu about some tera form examples, potentially indicating one of the tera forms will be either Water pikachu or Water Gholdengo
- Rematches and club/bonding events for Every gym leader, E4. BB E4, Rival, Carmine and Kieran, as well as every teacher. There is also trading available with all these characters
- 8 Different club room styles
- Default, Gorgeous, Fancy, Future, Retro, Monotone, Natural, Dark
- Empty text entry for Tera blast, indicating that the move will change somehow with the 19th type
-BBL E4 typings confirmed
- Drayton-Dragon, Lacy- Fairy, Amarys- Steel, Crispin- Fire
-9 new Camera emotes
-23 New Battle songs and 30 new League club songs
- 1 new ribbon, likely for beating the BB league and champion
-New clothing items confirmed
- 8 outfits, 4 eyewear, 5 gloves, 4 bags, 5 footwear, 10 headwear, 2 legwear, 7 phone cases, 6 hairstyles, 6 new clothing colors
- 15 new met locations datamined, meaning there are likely 15 new areas in the Terarium at least, potentially more
- New type of food power that affects all types simultaneously, should be a godsend for shiny hunters lol
-New Tutorials datamined that hint towards some potential new things, not confirmed to be everything, but a lot of it
- HAGANE- this means steel, so this is probably instructions for the steel trial
- RIDEFLY- Likely a tutorial for Koraidon and Miraidon learning to fly
- Ttype - Likely a tutorial on how the new tera type works
- SCAN- This one is currently unknown, but is leading many to think we are getting some sort of scan feature
- BBpoint and BBmission- BBpoint is likely the tutorial for Bp and how bp works, unknown what BBmission is yet, but may be tied to the E4 trials
- CLUB and CLUBpc- Tutorial for all the club activities and bonding events and trading/battling with characters and how it works, as well as other functions of the club room
- ITEMMACHINE- Likely an indication that we may get something akin to the cramomatic or maybe the vitamin vending machines in Wave 2
- SMACHINE- No one has been able to decipher this one yet, so no clue what it means or what it could be yet
- photomode- A new photo mode tutorial, which means some more new features are likely coming to photo mode, no indication of what they are
- There will be 4 new restaurants in BB Academy, and the BB Academy building will have 10 rooms
- 3 new battle states were datamined. Currently What battle states are is unconfirmed, but the ones that were datamined are called
- Tyoundenkihou- Super electric beam
- Kimagu Laser- Quirky Laser, which is named with the same words as the nature
- Terasushell- Likely Tera Shell and likely for terapagos
- Current list of new datamined overworld/story trainers, not including any possible rematches or battle facilities or other currently unadded trainers
- Taro or Lacey, Kakitubata or Drayton, Nerine or Amarys, Akamatsu or Crispin, Shiano or Cyrano, GFATHER and GMOTHER who are both currently unknown characters.
-We also have 60 generic overworld trainers, as well as 3 Dragon Challenge trainers, 5 Fairy Challenge trainers, and 3 Fire challenge trainers
- Lastly, we have trainers labeled side villager 01 and 02, currently unknown what these may be.
-There is a datamined story quest that involves- Arven, penny, Nemona, mama, who is an unknown character, Kieran, Carmine, GFATHER and GMOTHER. The plot or how it works is unknown
- There are also new entries for text you will see during battles in the datamine. Currently what you will see are
- BB League, Kieran, Kodaikame, which is likely terapagos, Zombie man, Zombie old, Zombies, Nemona, Arven, penny, and Dokutaro
- There is a new empty text entry at the Medali Eatery, which likely means you can change mons to the 19th tera type through there
- There are 2 new types of shops in Blueberry Academy
- BBkoubai- which is likely the school store of BB Academy
- BBzihanki- which is likely a new type of vending machine, possible the ones with cheaper vitamins similar to SWSH DLC
- Terapagos will have another form besides the Tera form we have already seen
- Dokutaro will also have an alternate form of some kind
- There are 3 new boss titles in the files, think things like Great Tusk the Quaking Earth Titan, which means at minimum there will be 3 titan boss fights
-perrin will have her own sidequest in DLC2 as well, it is currently unknown what it entails or what the goal will be
-Based on interactable objects in the Overworld, there were some more likely locations discovered
- Your Dorm and Carmine/Kierans dorm at BB Academy
- New rooms in Area Zero
So currently we know that Dokutaro is the master of the loyal 3, or the one that gave the unremarkable pokemon the toxic chains to grant their wishes. We have seen what is either its base form, or part of its base form as a plushy at the local market in Mossui Town and have seen a glimpse of its model from the Ogerpon backstory cutscene. Dokutaro will also likely be tied to the aforementioned Zombies from the datamine.